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Visit Winchester Box Office Agreement

Winchester College
Winchester College

Terms and Conditions

Winchester City Council (WCC), through its Winchester Tourist Information Centre (TIC), offers a box office service (Visit Winchester Box Office) for selected events subject to the terms and conditions set out below.

It accepts no responsibility for refunds or compensation claims should tickets be cancelled or events cancelled, curtailed or amended, nor for any claims against the promoters whatsoever.

1. The Visit Winchester Box Office service is provided on the basis that WCC will be paid 10%+ VAT commission on the sales of all tickets sold by WCC on behalf of the promoter through the Visit Winchester Box Office. Commission will not be payable on the sums due to WCC pursuant to Clause 7 and 8 and below. For organisations that are registered charities please contact us to discuss commission rates.
2. Requests for Visit Winchester Box Office services should be made at least 4 weeks prior to any event by completing the Visit Winchester Box Office request form and returning it to the TIC. The request will only be accepted when WCC issues written acceptance of the request.
3. Promoters must confirm whether they will be providing tickets for their event or if they wish the Visit Winchester Box Office service to produce tickets
4. If tickets for the event are to be provided by the promoter, these must be delivered to the TIC at least 7 days before they are due to go on sale
5. If tickets for the event are to be produced by the Visit Winchester Box Office service all details must be provided at least 4 weeks prior to the event
6. A full breakdown of the ticket prices and types to be sold by the Visit Winchester Box Office must be provided by the promoter including, for example, what constitutes a ‘concession’ ‘student’ ‘child’ ‘Senior citizen or ‘carer’.
7. Promoters can choose whether they would like their tickets sold online; over the phone or at the TIC during the hours the TIC is open to visitors. For tickets sold online and over the phone a £2 per transaction booking fee will apply to the customer in addition to the ticket price.
8. If the customer would like their tickets posted to them an additional £1 fee is charged to the customer, tickets are sent out by 1st class post.
9. Customers can collect tickets from the TIC during the hours the TIC is open to visitors, free of charge prior to the event. Pre purchased tickets may also be collected by the promoter from the TIC during the hours the TIC is open to visitors for handing out on the door at the event.
10. The Visit Winchester Box Office will cease selling tickets at a time and date agreed with the promoter or once all the tickets allocated to the Visit Winchester Box office for sale for the event have been sold.
11. The Visit Winchester Box Office will accept payment by cash, debit/credit cards.
12. The event promoters must notify the Visit Winchester Box Office of arrangements for disabled access and parking at the venue and will provide WCC with such other information that the Visit Winchester Box Office may require in order to enable it to sell tickets or answer customer queries.
13. The event promoters should provide the box office with contact names and numbers in case of query.
14. Reconciliation of all ticket sales will be made within 14 working days of the last performance. A written statement will be produced by WCC setting out details of tickets sold by the Visit Winchester Box Office and commission due. The full amount of money taken for the event by the Visit Winchester Box Office other than sums payable to WCC pursuant to Clause 7 and 8 above will be paid to the event promoter via the bank details supplied. The Visit Winchester Box Office service will then raise and send an invoice to the event promoter for the commission owed plus VAT. The commission due to WCC will be paid by the promoter within 10 working days from the date of an invoice. If the promoter does not pay WCC the commission due within 10 working days from the date of an invoice the promoter will pay WCC interest on the sum due at 4% above the base rate of National Westminster Bank Plc from the date the commission became due to the date of payment.
15. Publicity is the responsibility of the event promoter. The Visit Winchester Box Office service will only include details of the event on:
• The website if the event is located within the Winchester District
• The Visit Winchester website
• The events area within the TIC
16. Customer contact information is taken by the Visit Winchester Box Office service and can only be provided to the event promoter if the customer agrees to the relevant data protection questions.
17. The Visit Winchester Box Office service reserves the right to terminate the provision of the Visit Winchester Box Office service by giving 24 hours’ notice to the event promoter.
18. The event promoter shall be responsible for dealing with all complaints and correspondence concerning events for which the Visit Winchester Box Office service is providing and shall indemnify WCC against all claims, losses, expenses and damages incurred as a result of the provision of the Visit Winchester Box Office services, save where these are incurred due to the fault or neglect of WCC or its staff which WCC has failed to use reasonable endeavours to remedy after notice of such fault or neglect has been given by the promoter to WCC in writing.